Organizational Membership

Organizational Membership

AOAC is committed to being a proactive, worldwide provider and facilitator in the development, use and harmonization of validated analytical methods and laboratory quality assurance programs and services. AOAC International serves to its members and the communities of analytical sciences by providing the tools and processes necessary for community stakeholders.

Join AOAC SEA as a corporate member to gain the practical benefits and reputational advantage of being part of the world’s most unique and respected analytical solutions provider.

Your company can demonstrate leadership in ensuring safe and healthy food for our families and communities. Access AOAC latest standards and globally recognized scientific and regulatory experts. Influence the trends and standards adopted by authorities around the world. Tie your organization’s reputation to the most respected organization for food quality and safety. Reap dividends in risk reduction, brand reputation, and business intelligence.

>> Click to view our Organizational Members

To join as an Organizational Member or get more information, please contact [email protected].

Annual Fee7000 SGD4000 SGD800 SGD 
AOAC BenefitsThree individual memberships to AOAC INTERNATIONAL, offering online access to the Official Methods of Analysis (OMA), the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Inside Laboratory Management Magazine, and the weekly Spectrum Newsletter, which covers the latest in analytical science, events, training, and much more.Two individual memberships to AOAC INTERNATIONAL, offering online access to the Official Methods of Analysis (OMA), the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Inside Laboratory Management Magazine, and the weekly Spectrum Newsletter, which covers the latest in analytical science, events, training, and much more.One individual membership to AOAC INTERNATIONAL, offering online access to the Official Methods of Analysis (OMA), the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Inside Laboratory Management Magazine, and the weekly Spectrum Newsletter, which covers the latest in analytical science, events, training, and much more.
Leadership AccessInvitation to participate in the Scientific Program Organizing Committee of AOAC SEA Annual Conference.

Invitation to exclusive meetings of AOAC SEA Full Board.
Invitation to participate in the Scientific Program Organizing Committee of AOAC SEA Annual Conference.
Invitation to exclusive meetings of AOAC SEA Full Board.
Invitation to participate in the Scientific Program Organizing Committee of AOAC SEA Annual Conference.
Invitation to exclusive meetings of AOAC SEA Full Board.
Technical Expertise ShowcaseOne technical webinar to AOAC SEA members and followers.
Two technical articles in AOAC SEA Newsletter.
Opportunity to participate in any or all AOAC SEA Expert Working Groups.

 One technical article in AOAC SEA Newsletter.
Opportunity to participate in any or all AOAC SEA Expert Working Groups.

Opportunity to participate in any or all AOAC SEA Expert Working Groups.
Preferential DiscountsThree VIP invitations to AOAC SEA Annual Conference.
Three 100% discounts on each paid webinar hosted by AOAC SEA Section, plus unlimited access to all free webinars.
One 100% discount for each seminar or workshop event.
5% discount for each sponsorship package.
5% discount on membership renewal for consecutive years.
Two VIP invitations to AOAC SEA Annual Conference.
Two 100% discounts on each paid webinar hosted by AOAC SEA Section, plus unlimited access to all free webinars.
One 50% discount for each seminar or workshop event.

5% discount on membership renewal for consecutive years.
One VIP invitation to AOAC SEA Annual Conference.
One 100% discount on each paid webinar hosted by AOAC SEA Section, plus unlimited access to all free webinars.
Special discount for each seminar or workshop event.

2.5% discount on membership renewal for consecutive years.
Brand RecognitionLogo on AOAC SEA website, with link to organization’s homepage.
Logo on AOAC SEA Newsletter & Annual Conference Program Book.
Logo on AOAC SEA website, with link to organization’s homepage.
Logo on AOAC SEA Newsletter & Annual Conference Program Book.
Logo on AOAC SEA website, with link to organization’s homepage.
Logo on AOAC SEA Newsletter & Annual Conference Program Book.
Request ProcessingFour times a year (March, June, September, November).

Available for yearly renewal.
Four times a year (March, June, September, November).

Available for yearly renewal.
Four times a year (March, June, September, November).

Recommend purchasing a 3-year package to reduce administrative work and secure benefits.


  • 2025 AOAC SEA Annual Conference: Will be held in Bangkok, Thailand in October. Please view the conference program and video of the 2024 Annual Conference in the embedded links.
  • 2025 AOAC SEA Newsletters: 10–15 newsletters to over 1200 subscribers. Please view all published newsletters in the embedded link.
  • 2025 AOAC SEA Webinars: 5–8 webinars in 2025, with potential topics such as pesticide testing, cyanide testing, Halal testing, standard development, and food safety regulation. Please view all past events in the embedded link.
  • 2025 AOAC SEA Seminars/Workshops: 3–5 seminars/workshops in 2025, with potential topics such as MOSH/MOAH analysis, chemical metrology / microbiology metrology, and food safety testing. Please view all past events in the embedded link.