Training of Young Scientists

Training of Young Scientists

Introduction to Training of Young Scientists Working Group

28 Jul 2022

Please click on the tabs below to view our activities.

>> Click to view the announcement

>> Click to view 2022 Newsletter 3 & 2022 Newsletter 4 that shared the Student Awards results

AOAC SEA Section supports THREE student awards engaged in the area of food safety and analytical science, with the intention to encourage and appreciate students’ work in related areas.

We received 34 abstract submissions from 7 countries in 3 research categories. The 3 winners were scheduled to present their work at the 2022 AOAC SEA 1st Annual Conference.

Thank you to the Student Awards Assessment Committee.

Testimonies collected in May 2023.



 More detailed information is available here and Top 3 Poster Award can be found here.

Detailed information is available here